Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Race Through Treacherous Swamp

A new event came in today! If you finish Treacherous Swamp before December 15 18:00 GMT+9, you will receive 1 Muay Thai Brown in your mailbox on December 16 in the afternoon GMT+9. So if you haven't finished Swamp, it's time to put the pedal to the metal. If you have already cleared Swamp, you must wait until December 16 afternoon GMT+9 to receive Brown.

In addition, for *brand new Line Rangers players only* who registered on November 25 or later, if you clear stage 60, you will receive 100 rubies in your mailbox on December 16.

It's nice to know they are still rewarding new players who joined the game. Muay Thai Brown is a couple generations back now, but depending on who you have on your team, he could still be pretty useful... my issue is with the fact that you have to clear 168 to get him. Unless you are sittingon 4 MT Brown and are missing 1 to master level, I don't see how having a single MT Brown will make a difference to your world. Oh well.


  1. Like you said Panic, I'm really excited with this event because the fact that I need 1 more MuayThai Brown to master him. After I saw the splash screen, I rush to finish the area and now I only need to wait until 16 December. This event is good, but I agree that the qualification to get the MuayThai Brown isn't easy for many players.

  2. 1 month ago this would make my month, but now with a Master Red I dont need any other tank anymore, with a 4 sec cooldown and 6M HP Red is the perfect tank and the only one I need, since MT Brown came out I always dreamed to get him but thanks to the horrible Gacha system that dream never came true (a master lvl MT B rown I mean), I spendend like 1300 rubies (free earned) and only got 2 MT Brown, so now my lvl 65 MT Brown would be 70 but I dont care because I dont need him anymore and I'm sure that the december rangers will make him obsolete, anyway Red almost made him obsolete.

  3. Japanese event is a bit different. Instead of MT Brown, we have a chance to get a Figurine.

  4. if anyone uses twitter, i've set up an account for quick updates. feel free to follow

  5. Really pity! I started new account from last week, reach to stage 123 just 1 day right before this event coming. Only one way for me until Dec 15 is clearing 168 by free rangers, but it is seem to be a very long way.

    Now I have mastered Opera Jame+Sol+Fighter Moon, gathered 5 Xan and farming for the last Masked Moon at 112, the next will be SoCo at 124... then go straight for 168. I hope the new releasing free ranger on Dec would be a big help for me.

  6. If I was LR Developers, I will reset all players' data to start again at level 1, stage 1 (no treasure, no upgrade and except collected rangers) on next month very very big Event "Rangers' Limit of the time coming back" to celebrate happy Christmas and new year.

    Detail Content:
    + Daily attendance event: 10 rubies
    + New Premium Event Gacha "Limited rangers of the yeah": Cost 200 rubies for 5 spinning, only previous monthly limited rangers will be obtained: Susu, Edwards; Ola Brown; Junior Cony... (until Nov limited ranger).
    + Boss stage event for free released ranger: from 1-20: Elf Cony; 24-40: Songster Cony; 44-60: Driver Brown; 64-80: Shu...
    + Only one new ranger releasing from 24th to Jan 1st: Santa Brown. Balance Class: Atk: 1,000,000; HP: 10,000,000; Move Speed: Slow; Atk Speed: Fast. Atk range: 1 (melee). Only one ranger will be free given to everyone on Christmas day.
    + From Boss stage 16: ruby reward will be given for first time clearing of each Area (5; 10 and 15 rubies)
    + Bonus Ruby Event: Buying ruby get 50% more.

    And of course next year, on Jan Event very OP rangers will be releasing^^ as usual.

  7. Still stuck in 163 but I haven't had much time to play lately, so even my PvP score is horrid this week. I would love love love that MT Brown but unless some crazy free stuff comes in December, I don't see myself getting there...

    1. you should find the way to kill that pink monsters...i done it by letting them move them to the front line after used tornado..after tornado make sure you dont release any rangers so that that pinky will not stop..after half way line release any lowbies so that the fat guy can catches the pinky and use ice when the fat guys are at same place as the pinky.....after that i hope you know what you should do

    2. I also stuck at 163, already saw youtube but i'm still confused, because the pink monsters keep coming out after the halfway walk... So eventhough i'm able to rid the front pink monster, i'm losing because the new pink monsters.. Any idea?? thank you

    3. 163 is virtually impossible to clear. Best hope from the youtube videos is to use 3 rubies to extend which I'm totally reluctant to do so...I hope LR developers tune it down considering how easy 162 is

    4. Yeah I keep getting screwed on 163 because the pink guys just keep coming. Even if I manage to wipe out the first 7 or 8 of them, there's like 2-3 more in the back that prevent me from holding off the fan guys, so I get owned. Ugh.

  8. If you can clear stage 168, you probably won't need MT Brown... Nice way LR make us spend money to improve our rangers...pretty bad marketing. Nice try developers!

    1. i cleared 168 with lvl 70 candy, lvl 75 erica, lvl 70 junior, lvl 65 maestro and master red brown...i am on level 95 with my mineral and missile power on lvl 94 because i dont have enough money..done it after many tries.

  9. FYI

    My magic formula for 157-158-159 is: Candy Cony 60; Sorcerer Cony 80; Mach Brown 73; Scott 40; Rei 50.

    I will try 160 tomorrow, I dont have Red so my fingers dont listen to me now.

  10. what rangers can be farmed at treacherous swamp?

  11. LINE Rangers just announced design competition. We can draw a new Rangers and send to them until early December. The winners will get the ranger that they design, ruby, and other prizes. The details can be seen in game notice.

    1. I'm excited for this. I just posted about the contest! http://linerangers.blogspot.com/2014/11/design-your-own-ranger.html
