Below is my description of rangers that are worth having and my reasons for keeping them or selling/combining ("synthesizing") them. Keep in mind that these descriptions are applicable for normal single-player mode.
Caveat: When deciding which rangers to put on your team, you should always consider the kind of enemies you are facing, the length of the path in the stage and how many minerals they cost to deploy. It is also important to understand what the ranger's attack stats are.
As always, the full list of rangers is here.
[This post was last updated on July 10, 2014.]
CONY long-range speed/splash
- Lucifer Cony, Best Couple Cony, Witch Cony, Elf Cony, and Magician Cony are all speed class rangers. You can deploy Cony very rapidly back to back at very little mineral cost. Particularly Witch Cony, Best Couple Cony and Lucifer Cony at max level, if you manage to get a lot of them out, they lay waste to enemies fast. Consider using Cony for stages that have a lot of low-health enemy targets and stages that have a very long pathway.
- Elf Cony is a 3-star ranger gift for sending invitations to friends. She was also obtainable during an event in August 2014. During this event, players could finally max their Elf Cony to level 60.
- In early stages, Magician Cony can be very helpful because she's long-range, fast, and low cost but once you get Manager, you will find that he hits much harder.
- Sorcerer Cony, Songster Cony and Summer Cony are splash rangers. They hit multiple targets with every attack they shoot out. Sorcerer and Songster are both fantastic to have on your team. They also move relatively quickly but unlike their speed class lookalikes, they have a longer cooldown (time between deployment) and they cost more minerals to deploy. Summer Cony is somewhat less desirable only because she is a 3-star ranger. But she does have advantages. She's inexpensive to deploy and for a 3-star ranger, she's really quite powerful. She trails Songster's damage by a significant amount, but she's still not bad for how cheap she is.
- Sorcerer Cony (who I lovingly call SoCo) is one of the highest damage rangers in the game. Songster doesn't do as much DPS as her big sister, but Songster is not bad still. I like Songster better than Clara because she costs less, moves & attacks faster, and hits from further away. However, if you only have one Songster, don't throw away Clara since you can easily get a level 70 Clara. A level 70 Clara is does more DPS than a level 50 Songster.
- All Conys have relatively low health so you need to protect them with rangers at the front of your army.
- End Game: Keep Lucifer, Witch, Best Couple, Sorcerer and Songster Cony
BROWN melee (mostly)
- Thunder Brown, Best Couple Brown, Frog Brown, Underwear Brown, Summer Brown, Super Brown and Brownie are health rangers. I like the Brown series of health rangers quite a lot because they move at a decent speed and their cooldown are all about 5 seconds, which is acceptable for most stages. Thunder Brown costs the most minerals of the bunch and you may find him useful if you encounter stages that need a lot of big-HP tanks (he has over 1 million HP at max). There are more affordable alternatives like Macho Moon who can tank for less cost. Summer Brown is an interesting option as a health ranger because for a 4-star ranger, he has more HP than his 5-star lookalikes, while costing quite a bit less. Summer Brown has 1.5 million HP at level 70, but does peewee damage. For a health ranger though, the health is mostly what matters.
- Frog Brown can be obtained by inviting friends to play the game or now you also have a chance to get him from Gacha. He makes a fantastic tank for your team until about stages in the mid 80's. At that point, you may be better off with Xan.
- General Brown is one of my favorite balance rangers. He is meaty enough to take a lot of hits and deals a very decent amount of damage. He is also pretty cheap to deploy as he is a 4-star ranger. I have often used General Brown instead of a health ranger.
- Hip Hop Brown is a speed ranger but he can dual purpose as a health ranger as well. Hip Hop Brown gains a lot of health as he levels up. He costs only 210 minerals and his cooldown is a mere 3 seconds so you can deploy him over and over to keep the front of your army safe. He can easily double as your team's primary health ranger.
- Red Brown is also a speed ranger, but he doesn't have the kind of HP that his big brother Hip Hop does. He was available as a limited edition ranger on two occasions. He is not available in Gacha or stages anymore. He is an interesting option as a super-lowbie because of his speed and cost. At level 60 he has 153K health so he's really not a bad choice as a filler if you need someone to quickly rush to the front and take a few hits. Red Brown is a keeper because he's both a collector's item and he's quite useful as a mini-tank/lowbie hybrid.
- Ola Brown is the first of the Brown series to break out of the melee status. He's not just any ranged distance ranger, he's the longest range splash unit in the game currently. He's a delicate guy, only 104K health at level 80, but he can throw almost 49K DPS at a cost of only 350 mineral, which makes him more attack-to-cost effective than Sorcerer Cony. His low health but long range will keep him safe from most things, but be aware that enemies like the Convini (onigiri enemy), Creamy (ice cream enemy) and Richard (green dino/lizard enemy) will definitely kill Ola Brown in seconds. One last thing: He's limited edition, only available in the GACHA mix for the month of June 2014, so you must get him while you can and then keep him forever!
- End Game: Keep Thunder, Best Couple, Summer Brown, General, Hip Hop, Red and Ola Brown.
Edward melee splash
- Edward is a brand new limited-time ranger that is only obtainable for the month of August 2014. He's very, very strong splash ranger with well over 1 million HP. Edward's splash range is quite large, hitting a huge area in front of him where his acorn mobile zips through.
- The cons of Edward are that he costs a huge amount of minerals to deploy. If you're not high enough level, you cannot even deploy him right away. Edward's cooldown is also very, very long - 38 seconds normally, 19 seconds at master level. At high levels, though, Edward is a great ranger to have on your team for long levels that require big sustained damage. He's definitely a keeper if you are lucky enough to have him.
COBE melee splash
- Cobe is really adorable and if you happen to have one in the lower stages, he (she?) is fantastic to use. He has a relatively high health pool and attacks multiple targets with his lollipop which makes him a good alternative to a traditional health ranger.
- At level 50, Cobe starts to become less useful in the Ancient Temple area. But if you manage to get Cobe to level 70, he is still a very viable splash ranger to use throughout. The only thing I don't like about Cobe is his long cooldown period, but pair him with another melee ranger like Moon, Brown or Jessica, and he will be fine.
- End Game: Keep Cobe if you can get him to level 70.
MOON melee
- Masked Moon, Fighter Moon, Champion Moon and Popeye Moon are balance rangers. Moon does a decent job being a backup tank for your team while doing more damage than a health ranger. Fighter and Masked Moon are obtainable from later stages and it's a good idea to max them out. They rush to the front and can help hold the front line if your health rangers die before you get another one up.
- Macho Moon is a great health ranger to have because he runs faster than Brown, and costs less than Thunder Brown while packing a lot more health than Frog Brown. He is cheaper to deploy and has a lower cooldown than Xan, so if you get your hands on Macho Moon, keep him.
- End Game: Keep Masked, Fighter, Macho Moon.
BOSS mid-to-long-range attack
- Legend Boss, Rapper Boss, Gangster Boss and Dancer Boss all attack from mid-range so be careful using him if you have dangerous enemies that can hit past the front line. Boss does not have a lot of health so you really must try to protect him. He attacks very slowly but each hit packs a punch. His attack power is quite good when compared to other single target ranged hitters. He also moves quicker than most other single target ranged hitters. I like using Boss if I don't have access to any splash rangers. Rapper Boss versus Ellin or Sindy, I would choose either Ellin or Sindy over Rapper because of hit range advantage.
- Gangster Boss is the only one who is pretty useless. He isn't obtainable from stages until stage 93 and by that time he won't be helpful at all. If you randomly get him from Gacha in the early stages, you can certainly use him.
- Dancer King Boss is currently the second-longest range attacker in the game. He's so far in the distance and his attack power is so high that he's basically a cannon. If you get your hands on him, train him up and he won't let you down.
- End Game: Keep Dancer King and Legend Boss.
JAMES mid-to-long range single/splash
- Gentleman James, Biker James, Sexy James and Ballerino James are balance rangers who hit from a short distance away from the enemy, and they have a decent amount of health. James can take a couple of hits if your health ranger happens to die, but he is not as meaty as Moon as a balance ranger. James' DPS is nothing very special because he is not as good as Boss series rangers for attack but he sort of makes up for it with more health. I really don't find James to be very effective and I haven't ever found a reason to use him over someone else. Gentleman James has decent damage and a lot of health but he's too far away from the front line to be a tank. If you get a 5 or 4 star James, maybe just keep him around in case the game developers buff him up one day to be actually useful. You can eat him up otherwise.
- Opera James is the only splash ranger of the James series a very good one. He attacks multiple targets from a distance and at max level he hits very hard. Opera James is a solid addition to any team. At max level he costs less and hits harder than Clara but has a slightly longer cooldown.
- Prince James is one of the newest rangers in the game and is currently the longest range attacker (longer than Dancer King Boss by a little). He does incredible single target damage (more than Dancer King), has really decent amount of HP, so he's definitely a good asset to the team.
- End Game: Keep Opera James, Prince James.
- Charismatic Jessica, Warrior Jessica, and Hero Jessica are all great splash rangers. Max level Jessicas are very versatile. You can use her in lieu of a backup tank ranger like Moon. Jessica's high speed and high HP make her the perfect alternative to a health ranger altogether if you are looking for ways to increase your total damage output. Once you get to the stages where you can get Warrior Jessica, it is a good idea to farm 5 and max her out.
- Lightning Jessica is unlike the others in her series. She is a speed ranger, moves lightning-fast and can be deployed again and again very quickly. She has more HP at max level than Warrior, but since her attack is single target, her damage will generally be much lower. For her cost, speed, and cooldown, Lightning Jessica may be an interesting option as a backup tank, similar to Hip-Hop Brown in this respect, but with lower stats. One thing to be cautious about is that Lightning Jessica's range is a bit farther back than her splash lookalikes. She leaves room between her hit range and the enemy's hit range, which may result in allowing the enemy some extra forward marching space.
- End Game: Keep Charismatic, Warrior and Lightning Jessica
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There sure are a lot of humanoids. |
- KSM is a splash ranger, and one of the highest DPS ones at that. He costs a lot to deploy and has a very long cooldown, but he makes up for it with his insane attack power. He is worth deploying in almost every stage and situation. You don't even have to worry whether you will waste your minerals deploying him while fighting a boss stage because he has a lot of health. He is slow, but he will survive even if he gets hit a few times on the way to the fight. Make no mistake, he is one of the most sought-after ranger in the game at the moment, so if you got him, congratulations!
- Lia is a balance ranger who packs a caffeinated punch. She is small but she actually is a very high damage single target ranger. Her cooldown is so low that you can amass an army of little girls very quickly. I had reservations about using her when she was low level because of her cost but actually at high levels she's pretty useful.
- Alice is the highest single target dps ranger that you can get from stage clears. She hits like a truck and sports a lot of health. The only downside to Alice is that she is very slow in every way (cooldown, move & attack speed). But if you manage to get her into range of the fight, she does tear up the place with her shoe. If you don't have Lia, Alice isn't a bad alternative.
- Clara is a solid splash ranger and the first splash ranger you can obtain from stage clears who can attack from a good distance away. Once you can safely farm stage 40 to get her, I would highly recommend doing so. Clara will make life a lot easier as you progress through the mid-level stages.
- Dwight is a very powerful balance ranger to have on your team because he comes with very high attack stats as well as extremely high health, like Bernard. He costs quite a lot to deploy, but he is well worth the mineral cost because you almost never have to worry that he will die quickly. As far as single target damage, Dwight is one of the best.
- Xan is the highest HP health ranger you can obtain from stage clears. He costs quite a lot and his cooldown is longer than most other health rangers but he makes up for it by flying to the front of the fight very quickly. If you get Xan, keep him as he may very useful for stages where you need a big meaty tank.
- Styne is pretty much the default health ranger at mid-lower stages. He's fine to use if you have no other viable alternatives available. Once you get 5 Stynes combined, he has a lot of health and remains useful until around stage 70. Styne pairs really well with Moon on a team because Moon moves fast and can be Styne's backup. If you get your hands on General Brown, Macho Moon or Xan, you might want to try them over Styne.
- Bob is a health ranger who really has a ton of health but he moves very, very slowly. You have to plan ahead when you use Bob and learn to anticipate when he is going to die because you will need either a backup tank to help take the hit when he dies or time the arrival of another Bob to waddle his way there. If you don't have Frog Brown, Macho Moon, Styne or Xan, Bob is ok to use. Since Styne is obtainable from stage clears, I would dump Bob as soon as I got 2 or 3 Stynes combined. If you have several Bobs combined, the difference between Styne is slight and you'll have to judge for yourself which one has more of a health or speed advantage for your needs. At max, I would pick Styne still. While he has a little less HP, he costs a great deal less. If you have Macho Moon, then there is no contest.
- Manager is probably one of the best ranged attackers you can get very early on in the game. Combine 5 of them together and you should have pretty decent outgoing damage in the lower stages. When you can trade up for Clara, Sindy or Ellin, do so.
- Abdula's pure splash damage stats outperform every other 4-star splash ranger currently. Looking at damage alone, he even tops Sorcerer Cony at max level. However, when you compare how much he costs (which is a lot for a 4-star ranger) then actually SoCo pulls ahead by a little bit. The difference is that Abdula has nearly double the health, and therefore will generally live much longer than SoCo which under certain battle conditions will make him a much better choice. He's a keeper.
- Shu is a splash ranger whose range is almost the same as Ola Brown. His survivability makes him an excellent ranger to have. His damage is better than Clara's and he has much more health than her. He's a solid splash ranger, but he is limited edition so unfortunately, not everyone will have him.
- Susu is part of the same promotion as Shu, but you can only randomly get him from Premium Gacha for a limited time. Susu is the highest DPS splash ranger by a mile, and he over 4 million health (at master level) which makes him perfect for standing in melee range and crushing enemies. The pros are that he's really meaty and destroys things in no time. The cons are that he's very rare to obtain, costs quite a lot to deploy and has the 2nd longest cooldown of any ranger on the roster. If you get him, by all means, you should keep him.
- Hitman is quite similar to KSM and Abdula, but actually he is worth more damage per cost, which makes him even more worth it to deploy than KSM. He attacks from a really nice distance away, and his high-DPS is very impressive.
- Luis, for all intents and purposes, is more cost-efficient Dwight. His damage to cost ratio is better than Dwight's, but per unit he does less damage. There are a few tradeoffs, but all in all still a solid damage dealer for a balance class.
- Chichi is the new better, faster Dwight! She's so expensive to deploy but she's worth every penny. She moves fast and she has more health than any other ranger at the moment. Her half million damage at level 80 is quite scary for a little girl.
- End Game: Keep KSM, Lia, Alice, Clara, Dwight, Xan, Abdula, Hitman, Luis, Chichi
DRAGONS splash
- Sol is currently the highest damage splash ranger that you can obtain from stage clears. At max level, he does about 36000 DPS, which is quite powerful. And unlike Opera James, Clara and Sorcerer/Songster Cony, Sol can actually take a lot of damage before he dies. This is his biggest advantage in the later stages over other splash rangers. He is, as many people will agree, a poor man's KSM. Definitely keep Sol and level him up.
- Luke is some kind of a dinosaur in a suit, I guess. He is a melee splash ranger so his large health pool will help him survive in the front line. Luke does less damage than Sol but if you have Luke and you don't have any other better splash ranger alternatives, he will do just fine. But otherwise, I think Warrior Jessica, who is obtainable from stage clears, is a more versatile alternative. Keep him around if you have 5 Lukes combined as a fill-in splash ranger.
- Dickey is one of the first splash rangers you can get and he is pretty useful up to about stage 30. He's very slow getting to the front of the fight, but if you manage to get him to the enemy tower, he can help shorten the battle by splashing down the tower. He's nice to keep around until you have a better option like Vlad or Clara. Don't get me wrong - I'm only saying he's fine for the very early stages!
- Bernard (roasted peanut? sweet potato?) is a very healthy ranger with a lot of HP. He has well over 3,000,000 HP at max level, but he is very costly and his cooldown is very, very long. He is definitely worth keeping, but more as a back pocket tank. I wouldn't use him as the only tanking unit at higher stages because he walks so slowly and takes so long to produce. But if you time it right, Bernard can be very useful indeed.
- Honey the Sally doppelganger bee is a speed ranger with formidable attack power when you get her to max level. Even at level 60 her attack is not to be dismissed lightly. Because she costs very little, move speed is very fast and her cooldown is merely 3 seconds, you can spam many Honeys out and the sheer quantity of her attacks going out can be overwhelming. Another way to use Honey is as a halfway lowbie. She's spammable, but her relatively high attack gives you a little bit of extra damage on tough enemies. Honey has helped me win several stages where the tiniest increase in damage was crucial. Obtainable from Gacha or 100 friend invitations, she's really quite worth getting and keeping around.
- Dumpy is the highest single target attack ranger currently. He has more DPS than he has HP! He rolls on his steamer to the front line very quickly and can easily get himself killed as a result. He doesn't have a lot of HP so if you use him you must make sure he is protected at all times, or he will quickly become enemy appetizer. At level 80 he does the equivalent of 477K damage per second! Seriously, make sure he lives!
- Sindy (a tanuki) & Ellin (cloud elemental) are both fantastic rangers to have on your team in the mid-stages (~52 through 87). They are both obtainable from stage clears so anyone can get a max level Sindy and Ellin. Before getting Alice, Sindy and Ellin are almost indispensable as high DPS rangers to have on your team. Sindy does a bit more damage and attacks faster, but costs more. Ellin is a little more affordable which may be helpful in some stages. They are both very useful to have in the mid and near-end game. If you are using freely obtainable rangers only, they're practically indispensable. If you play the Premium Gacha a lot, Sindy and Ellin will be old news for you.
- Cherina is one of the newest splash rangers and she looks like a cherry bomb because she is. She rockets her way to the front line and deals an astonishing amount of splash damage. She's costs very little to deploy, has an incredibly short cooldown and sports enough health to tank (at max level). I can't begin to tell you how powerful she really is so you have to see her in action yourself. A half dozen pack of Cherinas at your front line and your enemies will be in a lot of trouble.
- Mully... I don't even know what kind of creature Mully is. But he is a fantastic attack ranger with high attack, high health, and very fast move speed. At moderate cost, Mully is great for pushing forward against clumps of difficult enemies because he can withstand a lot of damage while dealing lots of pain. He's a great ranger to have on the team.
- Elle is a new 3-star splash ranger. She's a top tier 3-star ranger and can contend with some 4-star rangers as well. Her damage is really good for the amount of minerals she costs. Elle's best feature is her long range. She can fire from a huge distance and safely stay out of the enemy fire. Not a bad ranger for 3 stars!
- End Game: Keep all of them!
Little guys Scott, Bella, Crush and Glenn are speed rangers that I think everyone should keep around. There are many stages in the game where lowbies like these can be very, very useful. They are speed rangers so their mineral cost will never change even if they level up to max.
- Dane is a 3-star health ranger obtainable very early on and I think he is useful only in the very early stages of the game. Though as soon as you can get Styne, there's really no reason to continue using Dane.
- Pew and Vlad are 3-star splash rangers but are so slow and have so little health that half the time they don't make it to the battle before dying. If you happen to get them very, very early on, they might be useful to you. But once you can get Clara, I would not bother with either of them.
- Hunt the pirate fowl is a pretty interesting option. He is similar to Cony in that he is a speed ranger. At max level 60, he actually does damage that is not bad and he costs very little. I don't think he is worthwhile having in your main team but he is a nice option to keep in your back pocket for some specific stages that need a fast, low cost long range attacker. It's a very niche spot.
- The single target James series (not including Prince James though) got buffed recently but I would still put them in the maybe category. There's just no clear reason to use them unless you don't have a better alternative for single target attack.
These rangers are either so low stat or appear in the game out of sequence for their usefulness period that there are better options for your team. They are pretty much food for other rangers.
That about covers the rangers that I think are worth mentioning. If you are reading this and passionately disagree, comment and let me know why you do.
Which rangers did you keep on your team longest? Which rangers will you never eat/sell because they did so much for you?
I'm trying out Rei max level as a lowbie. I've seen some people use him in youtube videos with success.
ReplyDeleteI'll let you know how it goes once I get him to max level. (might be decent considering he has a lot of hp for a lowbie)
I have seen Rei popping up in places too. I think he maxes out at something like 20 something thousand HP for 70 mineral. He's not as fast moving as the other lowbies and his CD is not 3 seconds, if I recall correctly. So maybe he can take 1-2 hits from some mid level enemies but I think at 20K he'd still get one-shot which would make him no different from Scott. I haven't personally tried it, though. Let us know how it goes!
DeleteI love Rei's Helicopters hair which make a good visualization on the fight.
DeleteNice article, it gives me some insight.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Alice is an attack ranger, not balanced ranger, but she got pretty nice HP after the patch update.
Ooh nice catch. I'll correct it in the morning. Thanks.
DeleteI like to collect them all...:D so i save 1 of each ..:p
ReplyDeleteLol I'm like that too. I usually save one for 2 reasons. One, vanity/collecting, and two, when people ask for help I can try it with their team's rangers to see what the problem is.
DeleteLuke's attack speed and moving speed were changed from very slow and very slow to Slow and fast respectively.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I hadn't noticed that. I'll change it and try him out, then re-evaluate.
DeleteYeah, Luke walk fast now and become better after nobody like him? Hehe :P
DeleteI got 2 alices, she's at about 30, but since i already have 1 ksm (still looking for the another KSMs to be combined) i sacrificed her for sol, since i read in here that he got bumped so i think that sol > alice. Haha
ReplyDeleteAbout thunder brown, since i only have lv 50 one, without upgrading, i kinda like fighter moon (lv 50, 4/4) better than thunder brown. The fighter has lower health, but he does damage more than brown. I cant get my hand on hip hop brown, so I'd really like to get him. My frontline is usually fighter and macho (lv 55, 3/4).
Fighter+Macho is indeed a great combo. I would agree and do the same as you in that situation. No sense in having both Macho and Thunder when you can gain much more damage with Fighter. If you get Hip Hop, I'd even replace Macho with lv 60 hip hop.
DeleteSol is very strong right now, certainly stronger than Alice due to splash. If you didn't have any other option sacrificing Alice doesn't seem like a bad idea at all. I don't have Alice in my main team but I swap her in sometimes if I find I need more single target damage (like on boss enemies). But at the moment Sol is a no-brainer.
Yep.. With 5-6 sol (lv 50, 1/4), 4 ksm(lv 55, 0/4), lots of sindy or ellin (lv 50, 4/4), fighter moon (50, 4/4) and macho moon (55, 3/4) i dont have problem when i played in altar of fire again except the third boss stage. That formation is devastating :D
DeleteAnyway, i found it hard to get sol in the temple of ice. I played stage 84 for about 70-80 games, i got about 20 jessica, got the 2 star and 3 star treasure and i only get 2 sol so far... The luck is definitely not on my side...
Same here. I've been doing Temple of Ice boss stages like crazy for a week and so far only got Sol once... Is the chance like 0.0000001%? Insane!
DeleteIts a 10% chance so far i have 3 alr .btw warrior jessica is not vry bad she has 200k health at max lv
DeleteActually it is quite hard to get sol- I played 25 times and did not get sol.
DeleteCan i get ur email because i do a little observation about combining/synthesizing and i think it's quite useful
Anonymous, I enabled email to show in my profile now. You can find it on the right side bar "About the Author".
wow finally. this is the kind of posts that everyone probably would want to see but no one even bothered to make. looks like a lot of work. thanks as always, Kirbs!
ReplyDeleteYes, spent some time with this one :) Thank you for your feedback, rio! I am glad you think it is useful.
DeleteRio is right, thanks a lot for your effort making this kind of blog!!! :)
DeleteNice article!!, thanks for sharing. I have Sol, Alice, war Jessica, Witch Cony and Glen to defeat 100+ stages. All Jessica's are amazing pulling cause she never loose ground like other tanks leaving Sol killing all enemy low health in front side and Alice for high health, got Glen to keep bosses busy and Cony to spam and late battle where u need to do many hits to push back dangerous splash enemy's after go go go time.
ReplyDeleteStill waiting for 5 stars double chance for spend 200 rubies! and get a dancer king boss at least *_*.
Thanks again for ur time to explaining us how to defeat hardest stages.
Thanks for the feedback, Joan! I really think something new is coming in the next week or two which will bring back double 5 star chance again. I'm bouncing ideas around in my head while we wait.
DeleteNo kidding.. Saw 35 updates when I open up the game today. saw an interesting brown picture leak on as well.. cross my finger for double chance.
DeleteConfirmed. These new rangers were pushed to the game when I launched today. Hope they release soon!
DeleteAnyway red brown can synthesize with each other...
DeleteFighter Moon or Warrior Jessica? Which is better if you would choose one. I don't have a meaty tanker so I am thinking of pairing one of them with Macho Moon.
ReplyDeleteReally depends on the stage and what you're lacking. If your Macho Moon is dying really quickly due to low level, perhaps Fighter would make a better back up since he has a shorter cooldown. If you're aching for more damage output, Jessica is a better choice with her cleave. They're both worth keeping to swap in and out as necessary for various stages.
DeleteYou can use both.. Use macho, fighter and jessica. Pair them with 1 splash & 1 rangy attacker or 2 rangy attacker.
DeleteThanks for your reply! your blog is very informative and helpful! :)
DeleteNice work & appreciate it very much. I'm not very lucky to get KSM & Friends (except Macho Moon)! :-(
ReplyDeleteYou should keep any ranger you don't have at 4/4 upgrades (for combining). You never know what future changes will make a ranger useful or powerful.
ReplyDeletewhat do you think of a max level red brown now that it's available at stage clear ?
ReplyDelete100k+ hp per 2 sec that moves as fast as hiphop, it works well as a poor man's hiphop i guess? not to mention it's also cheaper to cast.
Haha I knew someone would ask this question and I wouldn't be ready for it. Spent the better part of the afternoon doing the latest post and just plumping up my existing rangers on double combine day. Haven't had a chance to even farm my Red Browns. On just gut feeling I think that yes, red brown would be the glorified lowbie that we wanted Glenn to be when they adjusted speed ranger cost. At 30 more minerals, red brown comes pretty close, with a lot more hp. Is it enough to use as a legitimate tank? Ehhh, maybe. And here's why. 60 Red gives you 1275 hp per mineral. 80 Hip hop is 2376 hp per mineral. 80 Xan is 1295 hp per mineral. Xan only narrowly beats Red. The danger with this is of course, with his hp much lower, you really do have to deploy him almost endlessly on cool down, just like a lowbie. Might be more frantic a playstyle than I would prefer!
Deletejust tried it personally, and finally beat stage 120 with it...
ReplyDeleteHad ksm dancer king sol dwight and red brown... and the mvp was to be red brown.... tried it multiple time with lowbies and ksm/etc but all they do is die to the splashed before reaching the front line. with red brown they do work your hands out frantically, but at least they manage to reach the frontline before dying, slowing them enemy down and preventing your valuable dps rangers from being fodder. but yeah, if you dont have hiphop i guess red is a suitable and much cheaper replacement. :3
Yeah, that sounds really valid. I have used Honey in a very similar way before on tough stages that required just a little more damage. Honey does more damage, has more HP than Glenn/Scott/Bella/Steve and lives a little bit longer. She does more DPS than Red Brown. From the numbers, it looks like Red Brown is a better choice for this than Honey if survival is what you need, like in 120's green dino long range splash dmg.
DeleteI just farmed up my last 2 Red Browns... he's not max yet, but I must say, I like him more and more!
Deletei guess like you said it wouldn't be a legitame tank, but with something fat, with long cooldown like xan, bernard or dwight... it would work well as a stall?
ReplyDeleteHi, this is an awesome blog. I've been looking for even a glimpse of existence of Line Rangers players on the Internet and found none. Not until I stumbled upon your blog after searching for Ola Brown stats.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I should consider myself lucky then, as I currently have a KSM and DKB (not upgraded yet though). However I am still struggling with my tank choice as Sol and Macho Moon can't even hold the front line when facing Eva (stage 108), and I haven't got better tank choices.
Keep on posting, you're a big help to the community. Thanks!
Thanks for the support Gilang. I appreciate it very much.
DeleteIt is most likely a level issue with your attackers. Sol and Warrior Jessica can pretty much handle the tanking needs for this level if they're close to max. Check this post out for some inspiration:
Warrior Jessica? Well I've got one but she's still around 40s. Time to level her up then. Thanks for the link, will do read it.
Deletehi, is normal gacha the only way to get ron, ben and jill (1star rangers) for colletion?
ReplyDeleteor the normal gacha doesn't even include them? (I've been normal gacha for many times but still dont get them)
Yes, Ben, Ron and Jill are so far only obtainable from Normal Gacha. I've noticed that these 3 pop out less often but they're definitely in there. Keep trying!
DeleteHi, the event said if i level up red brown to level 60 i would get a thunder brown, what if i level up 5 red browns to level 60? would i be able to get 5 thunder browns? thx :D
ReplyDeleteNope. You'll only get one no matter how many red browns you raise to max. That's what it says in the game notice (settings button>Notice).
DeleteI think there is another gacha event on June 18
ReplyDeleteI already have hip hop brown, but I also have red brown and it's max leveled. And the event says that if you max red brown, you will get thunder brown. So should I keep thunder brown or should I synthesize it with hip hop brown?
ReplyDeleteEhrm... What? Why would be anyone even considering to do such thing? Do you know how this game works? Is this question for real?
DeleteIf you're not planning to use Thunder Brown, KEEP HIM JUST IN CASE. You never know what kind of upgrade, downgrade, or kind of enemy will come next in this game and you may need it later. Despite the luck you have had so far getting that HipHop Brown from premium gacha, five stars rangers are RARE and you shouldn't be feeding them to other rangers unless they're spare units left from the same ranger combined five times with self.
Well, I have hip hop brown, thunder brown , xan, and general brown. Should I keep all of them or not?
DeleteYou read the post, right? My opinion is to keep them all for all the reasons I already wrote. They all serve different purposes. I would never eat a 5 star ranger as dali above stated. But hey, if you want to eat them, go for it.
DeleteIs masked moon good? I already got 4 of him and am planning to use him in skyscraper. Will he fare well there?
ReplyDeleteI always feel that Clara's range are lacking a lot, combined with rapper boss (yeah, he's kinda sucks earlier on the middle stages) as my only one target attacker she usually end up as tanking and gone wiped out in a mere second. Now I got Sol and thinking of using him to replace her, but end up using both.
ReplyDeleteWhy do I feel like dumpy and dwight was meant to back each other's up judging from their stats and speed? Lol. Dumpy is fragile in terms of HP but dwight has more of it, etc etc. But then it's hard to get those two. And SoCo :(
ReplyDeleteBetter witch cony level 80 or lucifer cony level 60?
ReplyDeleteI mean, better 5 witch cony or 1 lucifer cony?
DeletePlease i need your help
5 witch Cony is better than 1 lucifer. It should be pretty obvious by looking at their profile that witch costs less, has higher atk and hp.