Thursday, June 26, 2014

Shu, Thou Art Cony

From now until June 30, select boss stages will let you bonus roll on a new ranger: Shu. Shu is long-range splash ranger whose power is close to Opera James and Songster Cony. But before we get into the nitty gritty details, has anyone noticed that his attack animation is exactly like Cony's? The legs together, legs apart, jumping up awkwardly to fire a projectile at the enemy, the speedy footies dashing forward... It's Cony. Maybe it's been him inside of a Cony costume all along.

Until June 30 18:00 Japan Standard Time
By the way, along with Shu one more ranger was downloaded into the game but he has not yet made his appearance. Maybe he is going to be released after June 30, when Ola Brown's limited obtainable period has ended.
LOL Susu is a very silly name. I think it means some funky things in some languages, too. But anyway, Susu looks like an ancient China dynastic warrior, and I would be disappointed if he is not melee. Either he's a fake-out to keep us wondering or he will make his appearance in the game very soon.

Update: A reader pointed out that the demon king (who, by the way, is throwing an exploding lunchbox at you, how cool is that?!), Susu and Shu are characters out of a Taiwanese live action puppetry show whose title is roughly like, super awesome fantasy martial arts heroes (it doesn't sound awesome at all in English. Some things are really lost in translation)... They popularly call Pili. If you want to know why a puppet show is such a big deal, read about the tradition of the show here. Since it's a joint promo, I think we can safely expect Susu will be coming soon.

Here is a look at Su's character on Pili. Su is a swordsman, so he should be a melee ranger. Here is Shu's character on Pili. I assume that something happens to him and becomes a monk over the course of the story. The puppets are stunningly gorgeous. I have to say, I like Shu and Susu about a hundred times more now that I have seen what they were modeled after. When I first saw the demon king, I was already blown away by how cool he looked for a villain. I mean... put him next to the onigiri boss and really, what comparison is there? Now I know he was modeled after this spectacular fellow.

Now on to the ranger!

Level 70 max master Shu

Level 50 Shu
Shu's range compared to Songster, Opera and Clara
Versus Songster Cony
Attack-wise, Shu out-performs SongCo by a big enough margin for it to matter.
  • At level 50, Shu wins 11229 vs. 10322 DPS
  • At level 70, Shu wins 26992 vs. 24813 DPS
He has a bit more health, too, and that's basically what I would say the added cost of deployment is compensating for. Cony costs 320 at lv 50, and 360 at lv 70, which is quite a bit less. So they're not exactly the same, but similar enough. By the way, they're also extremely close in attack range, with Shu winning by a narrow margin.

Versus Opera James
Comparing Shu with Opera James gets a bit more interesting. They're very close in attack:
  • At level 50 Opera James wins just barely at 11453 vs. 11229 DPS
  • At level 70, Opera James wins at 27528 vs. 26992 DPS.
The gain here is the health. Opera James only has 96k health while Shu has nearly double at level 70. Opera James costs the same as SongCo, 360 at lv 70. So if you don't have SongCo but you do have Opera James, the decision is a bit harder. 

If you are considering Shu vs. Opera for Team Battle Mode, I would definitely go with Shu for no reason other than the added range for survivability.

Versus Clara
A reader brought to my attention that Clara got a 9000 DPS buff sometime between last week and today. This makes her almost a perfect comparison with Shu, too.

  • At level 70, Shu wins in attack of 26992 vs. Clara's 25303
  • At level 70, Shu costs 460 while Clara costs 470
  • At level 70, Shu has 184k HP while Clara only has 66k
  • Shu's attack and move speed are faster than Clara's. His range is longer, too.
Well, looks like Shu is better than Clara in every way possible, no contest! Poor Clara.

Versus Abdula

  • At level 70, Abdula does 69668 for 760 mineral and Shu does 26992 for 460 mineral
  • At level 70, Abdula has 381790 health and Shu has 184312 health.
Abdula costs a lot of money and a lot of people diminish his value because of it. But think about it this way:

  • Abdula does 91.7 damage per mineral cost while Shu does 58.7 damage per mineral cost
  • Abdula is 501.4 health per mineral cost while Shu is only 400.7 health per mineral cost

If you look at it cost-to-cost, Abdula is still the better choice for your money. There are, of course, other considerations. Abdula's standard cooldown longer than Shu's. Abdula's range is shorter (it's right between Clara and Opera James'). Shu's move speed is faster than Abdula's. It really depends on what you want on your team. Purely on cost efficiency, Abdula wins. But if you want someone who moves faster, and can be deployed more often, then maybe Shu is a better choice.

While on the topic of cooldowns: Shu's standard cooldown is the same as Clara, Opera and SongCo: 8 seconds. Mastered, his CD will be 4 seconds. 

All in all, Shu performs exactly where I would expect for a 4 star ranger coming on the scene today. Get him while you can! Soon we won't know if we can get him again or if he'll be in Gacha or what!

P.S. Totally unrelated to Shu, there is a lot of buzz going around about certain ill-gotten ranks in the game. I'm not going to talk about it or refer to it or give it any sort of recognition/acknowledgement because I think the game should be played the way the developers intended. Please respect the rules of the game and my wishes for the blog - no comments about these people! Let's hope that this will blow over soon and be done with it.


  1. What's the secret to winning him in this roulette? I played at least 50 times and still only gotten 1. I play stage 104 for him ...

    1. AFAIK, there is no secret and it's just randomly generated. I got all 5 required to max mine within the hour and now 6 hours down the road both my friends only manage to obtain 2 while mine is now mastered.

    2. I don't think there is a secret either. Some people go on and on about patterns and methods, but in my opinion it's all predetermined and you get what you get randomly.

  2. OMG kill me now. I was just having Shu eat all the unused rangers and when it came to those Opera James I got from farming Masked Moon I accidentally consumed the REAL maxed lv.70 Opera James!!!! Gosh I really hate Shu now

    1. Aghh! Well... maybe you will find that Shu is better than James and forget about him. :(

    2. Sorry to hear that... :( But Shu is better than Opera James...

    3. Yes it is

  3. Hi, I think master Shu is quite scary.. Just met bunch of them in pvp arena.. And I must admit they are pretty annoying! Lol.
    Btw panic, may i ask your opinion? Which one do you think is better in pvp arena.. Lv 65 Dumpy or Lv 60 DKB? Because we know.. Dumpy is sooo easy to go to dumpling heaven... But the damage is amazing... In other part, I love how DKB can play safe lol...
    My other char is: lv 70 KSM, lv 80 Sorcerer cony, lv 70 Dwight, and lv 60 Hip hop brown.. I just need to fill 1 attacker.. And im so confuse which one...
    Thanks a lot panic!

    1. Dumpy is fierce, but you're right, he's fragile. Since you already have two heavy hitters up front, I'd go with dkb. There are plenty of times I've gone up against teams with a mastered ksm and there's nothing I can do up front damage wise. But what I'll usually do is just tank the front and then switch very heavily to dkb. Dkb will not take splash damage and he'll survive back there to help you push forward. He's really good to have in your back pocket against ksm teams.

    2. Yeah I agree!! Thank you for the answer, Panic^^

  4. just when i'm proud of my mastered Songco and actually use it in pvp, of course the dev released a new ranger, which in my opinion is the best 4 star ranger so far.

    by the way, he's still better than Abdula, mineral-wise. Simply amazing.

    and Susu.. more the reason to keep our rubies. who knows he could be better than Ola, the sole reason why people keep spinning their luck nowadays.

    1. Abdula is more cost efficient if you can wait for your minerals to fill up to 760. :) Added a section to compare Abdula and Shu.

  5. anway, since when did clara's damage become 26k? 0_0a

  6. Lol Omg you're right. I'm not sure when that happened, but it was very very recent because I looked at Clara like a week ago and she was nowhere near opera James' dps. She still costs more and does less than Shu. Shu has better range. Shu for the win all around.

    1. Wow Clara has become significantly more valuable now since she can be obtained at a very early stage of the game.

  7. In Indonesian language, Susu means milk or bre*st... That must be a cool ranger anyway...

    1. but the rangers itself is not hot or sexy like miley cyrus but instead it's a manly warrior -,-

  8. question to everyone here... please give ur suggest..
    i have ksm 65, ola 65, dkb 60, dumpy 60, hiphop 60, thunder brown 75, honey 75, and other maxed farm-able 5* and 4*..
    which combination should i use for team battle?
    my current team is ksm 65, ola 65, dumpy 60, masked 80 and xan 80.. i got stucked below 10k's rank.. i kept losing when meeting any 2 of these (dwight, dumpy, bernard) in the opposing team..:(

    1. i never have any problem about dumpy since he'll be easy to kill. dwight and bernard are another story tho.
      what i could suggest when the opponent start deploying more than 2 dwights or/and(you are in trouble when the opponent deploys dwights AND bernards) 2 bernard is:
      first, meteor them. the meteor would hit almost all rangers on the line and then quickly freeze them. let your rangers hit everything until the effect runs out and hit tornado and invincibility at the same time after that.

      the placing of your teams is crucial here. the closer you are to their tower, tthe better you will be because your rangers wont have any trouble closing the distance and they would attack opponent's rangers and tower.
      for this strategy, i use KSM (65), Sol (68), Abdulla (50), SorCony (50) / Shu (50) and Xan (60).

      make sure you're on 3/4 way to the opponent's tower when using this strategy. this won't work on the half way.

    2. interesting strategy.. however, ive encountered some who sent me back using tornado when i froze them.. and i end up losing.. lol
      my dumpy is very easy to die, but on the other hand, he kills fast and give me extra minerals on early battle to deploy more.. this is the reason i doubt replacing dwight at the moment..
      well.. like i said, i started to lose when they have 2 rangers that i listed (not 2 bernard or 2 dwight, but the combination of them.. eg, having bernard and dwight, or dwight and bernard, or bernard and dumpy, or dumpy and dwight)..

    3. sorry, i mean replacing dumpy at the moment*.. x_x

    4. For my opening, in the short to medium path, I'd go with xan first, right after the match started. To keep them on their tower and after that I'll deploy everyone. But my priority is xan. As soon as i could deploy him, id deploy him to keep the opponent on their tower. If the opponent starts to use tornado, at least the damage is already done :)

      On the farther path, I'd upgrade my minerals to 4-5. If The opponent already deploy heavy hitting splash rangers or ola (i worry about his attacking speed and the cooldown, so if i could kill the first it's better) I'd meet them at the halfway.
      If they deploy long range like cony, ellin, james, I'd meet them near my tower to build an army of ball of deaths :)

      If i may suggest anything, try to replace dumpy with maxed sol or dkb. Ola and dkb wouldn't be easily killed while they're hurting the opponent from far away.
      You could also try a line up with ksm, dkb, ola, sol and your tank with highest health.

    5. I think the problem with your current team is they're too expensive and slow to deploy.

      Try replacing either xan or masked with hiphop brown.

      Personally I'll even try ksm, ola, dkb, hiphop and honey to see how it goes. Key is to deploy hiphop constantly.

    6. thx for ur advice guys..
      before xan, i tried hip hop and i also tried red brown... they got killed easily and give the enemy even more minerals to deploy.. especially when they have heavy tank such as bernard or dwight, their splash eating my red brown or hiphop.. imo, hiphop is only good if it is lvl 70 and above..

      i never really try to upgrade mineral at the starting point. i upgrade it gradually as my ranger start dominating.. usually i deploy dumpy to keep enemy near their tower and follow with xan + masked moon.. then i focus on tank + splash.. i deploy dumpy lesser (probably keeping dumpy 2 - 3 on the path) as it will die really fast..

  9. Just got my 5th Shu, not level 70 yet but now my Shu and Opera James can have a chance to be Master

  10. Hi Panic, great article as always! :D

    i have a question for you.
    You wrote that the mastered shu's cooldown will down from 8 to 4 seconds.
    is the decrease in mastered ranger a special case for shu or does it happen to another rangers as well?

    My rangers is still faaaaar from being mastered so i can't try that by myself :(

    Thank You :)

    1. Any master ranger has its cooldown reduced by 50%. So not just shu, any master ranger can have it.

    2. Yes, all mastered rangers have cds reduced by 50%.

  11. i will never have Ola Brown :'(

  12. I get trouble, double exp for combining rangers doesn't work for me.
    Anyone knows why, please?
    Thank you so much in advance.

    1. Ranger days run (usually, when the game doesn't go bonkers) for 24 hours from midnight Japan standard time to 11:59pm Japan standard time. If it is not doing double exp for you, maybe it is because the time already past in your time zone?

  13. or perhaps Shu is actually Cony in a mask. Did anyone notice on the side of Shu's hair? is it a Biddhist Monk's accessories or os ot Cony's ear tucked down? :D

    1. LOL I'm not the only one who noticed the weird ear! It's pretty funny. The bit that hangs down, I think is a typical "Buddhist" ear with absurdly long earlobes.

  14. Shu, susu and the new demon king are actually popular characters from a traditional puppetry show in Taiwan... (google translate is your best friend)

    1. This is the demon king



    2. Oh my god. Thank you for sharing this. I'm going to add these to my post. This is remarkable. The characters are beautiful and Line is shamelessly copying them, even down to the detail of the different eye colors of the demon king. So cool!

    3. Ohhhhhh, wait I just clicked on the first link. So it is a partnership. No wonder the likeness is so undeniable. Thank you.

  15. Great change to double your experience.
    Visit Line Ranger Singapore Page

  16. hey pannicbutton! u know what susu means in indonesian? MILK xD LOL

    1. Yes... that was the "funky" that I was referring to. I think it also means something else funky in Hindi. lol

  17. I hope Susu is a melee health 5 star ranger that health ranger and has a lot of health and can be obtained by stage clears

  18. Should I use a level 60 ola brown or a mastered shu?

    1. I found pvp much easier to win using mastered shu compared to lvl 60 ola brown

    2. Maybe it's because you can deploy more mastered Shu than you can lvl 60 Ola Brown. Besides, a mastered Shu is way stronger than an Ola Brown 1/5, so it's a no brainer. A mastered Ola Brown is another story though.

    3. It costs less for ola brown and I thought he also has a wider splash range?

    4. Really? I believed splash range was the same for all splash rangers.
      Well practically one mastered Shu can withstand about 4 times as much damage as a lv.60 Ola Brown 1/5 so I guess that more than covers the price difference. I think Shu can pretty much one-hit KO an Ola Brown in this instance.

    5. No. It's different for each splash ranger. It's especially noticeable for a ranger like KSM. I think KSM has the widest splash range.

  19. is it me or is pvp harder when ppl use shu now? i used to win every game with red brown mastered, dwight lvl65, ole brown lvl60, sorc cony mastered and dancer king 60. But i lose against ppl who use shu. Is it cause of his distance is far and splash is wide?

    1. I've been using a mastered Shu and yeah life's been pretty much easier. But surely with Dwight and a constant stream of Red Browns, your mastered Sorcery Cony can push the enemy's front line way faster than Shu.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Weird .... the Demon King does not appear in the fights anymore but the event is still going on and I still got Shu from rolling.

  22. is there no monday bonus feather today?

  23. Hello Sir Panicbutton,
    soory out this topic....wanna ask bout 300ruby, is that event real or fake??? why i cant get 300 ruby until now. the event close at 13.00(GMT+7) for indonesian country.....
    or I will get 300 ruby on the next day or what??? just curious....before that, Thanx for ur very very generous sharing tips, tricks and info bout LINE RANGER very complete......

    1. Wait for 1 july, it will be given in 1 july

    2. Probably July 1. They close the event one day and usually give out rewards sometime later. And they usually make a mess of it too lol. Don't worry, it's coming.

  24. Just try the gacha machine and got Luis today (I was hoping to get Susu since he's only available in the gacha until the 13th of July)... ah, panic I was curious about the new rangers (I haven't tested Luis' powers but he got 118k HP on level one... which is neat.) pleaseeeee make an article about it? Thank you :D

  25. Which should I use, shu (70) or Sorcerer cony (65), in attack cony win, but in deff shu win, the minerals for cony is 440, and shu is 460. Need opinion , thank's.
