Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Totally New Kind of Hax Strategy - Stage 84

[Update: Probably got patched? Still a pretty funny video.]

This is so funny, clever and interesting that I had to share it. Someone has discovered a way where any Ranger team can clear stage 84. It's completely bonkers. However, *I don't know if the latest version of the game (presumably for the new areas releasing today) will patch this*. As of 11pm local Japan time, someone confirmed it still works. 

It's essentially a bug. The exploit is that you use your friend's Rangers to beat up Akira (big snowboarding boss) after the stage has declared that you lost. The boss no longer attacks but for some reason the Friends still fire on the enemy in the "dimmed screen" after you lose. Weird!

The YouTube poster calls it the "shadow Rangers bug". You will need:
  1. Turn your device and game sound up to listen to the sound of the attacks. Your friend's Rangers will take over an hour to kill Akira, any other enemies present as well as the enemy tower.
  2. Three rubies to continue the game after the "shadow Rangers" have done their job so that you may claim your stage clear victory.
  3. Friends, obviously! Pick someone strong!
  4. Your device charger. It will take over an hour according to the poster of this bug as well as some others who tested it out. You'll need sound on and screen on and pay attention for over an hour, so don't let your phone or tablet die in the middle!

[Edited: Some players have reported it takes a less than ten minutes. Some take over an hour. The important thing is to listen for when the Akira dies and when the enemy tower blows up before using your rubies to continue] 

According to poster, you need to let Akira blow up your Rangers, and as he kills your tower, you drop your friend's Rangers. In his last hit, launch your missile. Then after the lose screen comes up, listen for the sound of your Friends attacking Akira. You should also be able to see his HP bar decreasing slowly. You will also hear the moment he dies,  the sound of the enemy tower being beat up, and the moment the tower dies. That's when you know it's time to use your 3 rubies to continue. Don't worry, the tornado is built-in to the continue, you don't need to bring one with you. 

Check out their video and see for yourself if it is worth doing. It is very keen of him to notice that this is possible. Very sneaky!

Shadow Rangers - Stage 84 -


  1. Update: bump. not working anymore with latest update.
    Enemy's tower health also bugged increased from 680,000 to 999,999.

  2. Not so - still confirming able to get it cleared this way on latest version as of this evening. However, enemy tower HP has in fact increased to 999k, including earlier stages as well.

  3. Wow wow hahah i already at stage 84

    So we need to save 1 missile and drop friend rangers when akira last hit will blow up our tower ?

    If i am not wrong, in stage 84 there are also poppies and ryoko, isnt that true ?

    Ow one more thing, when we should launch tornado ?

    I wonder why can we beat akira and win this level without even beat theie tower ?

    Been watch it but still dont get an idea about tornado ing akira and we win without beat their tower

  4. Been tried it but it didnt work out or maybe I did something wrong hahaha

    1. Eh don't bother with tricks like this anymore. 84 has been tweaked and Akira is totally killable. The stage has been pretty normalized with the rest in the zone.
      I just beat it super easy, standard push with level 60 Ellin, sindy, 45 opera James, 59 general Brown, 50 Macho moon. 1 splash range, 2 ranged, 1 melee, 1 tank. No items, no friends. Straight up rolled up to them and pushed through. O.o No tricks, no hax. This is how the stage should have been from from the star, for goodness sake.

  5. Does 84 still has ryoko and walrus ?

    Their tower is now has 999999 HP plus invicibility mode hahah

    Do you think i can pass 84 with

    Sindy ellin 60
    Moon fighter 48 HP 106.000
    Clara 45
    Styne 50 HP 193.000 ?

  6. Yes, still has rooks, akira, etc. But only 1 Akira now. Just posted new 84 on another page
    And yes, absolutely that team is doable. :)

  7. It still works. Was defeated but activated my friend coincidentally at the last moment and found that the bug is still working. I didn't even fire the missile. Took less than 30min to kill the boss but not the enemy tower.

    1. Wow really ?

      Tried again yesterday

      When i pretty sure akira last fart will destroy my tower i launched friend help or sidekick but i wait it for 10 mins and didnt hear any attack voice plus i dont see akira bar health goes down haha

    2. Hi STA,

      Did you see any "attack graphic" on the enemies (those graphic effects when they inflict damage)? If you are successful you will see the "attack graphic" on the enemies including the boss and also hear the attacks ongoing. Another reason could be your friend's rangers are not as strong and will take a long time. Like what panicbutton reported some players took more than an hour.


    3. Anyway to add on, this hax is really about coordination and luck. Probably practice also. Kudos to the player who found the bug though. haha..


  8. The trick works, but is harder to pull off beyond stage 92. For best outcome, I stack up enemies using lowbies or macho moon while increasing mineral cap. Once they arrive and are about to destroy my base, I drop friend help with three seconds to spare, THEN spawn splash rangers at the very last moment.

    It's all about timing. If everything goes well, the dropped/spawned rangers will die and their ghosts will be midway flying up the screen as the base is destroyed.

    n.b. Although they become invisible, you can vaguely see what progress they've made by observing which enemy unit flashes injury during their attacks.

  9. Wow thanks ferro

    So let say we know 1 or 2 hits from the enemy will swept our tower, then we should put our friend or sidekick ?

    When we should deploy our own rangers ? After our sidekick died or when ?

    I upgrade my mineral to max 1310

    Wait enemy to break my tower

    Deploy my sidekick when my hp tpwer is only 50.000 something

    Then my sidekick died and i know they will break my tower, i deployed my all rangers like sindy ellin etc. My sindy and ellin still alive when my tower HP 0 but didnt see any attack action nor voice from them

  10. I tried it at stage 40 and its work outm its about timing

    And maybe its about eneny too. If enemy attack with range, we can use it but i dont know can we use it to beat enemy who attack our tower "face to face" ? Let say like the penguin
